
(24) Available Paintings, -- Year: 2023, type: standard

Abstraction #23040
Abstraction #23040


43" x 48" / Acrylic

Pink Peonies bouquet.
Pink Peonies bouquet...


16" x 20" / Oil

Abstraction #23038.
Abstraction #23038.


24" x 37" / Acrylic

Abstraction #23037.
Abstraction #23037.


24" x 36" / Acrylic

A walk in the forest.
A walk in the forest...


16" x 20" / Acrylic

In the forest #2.
In the forest #2.


16" x 20" / Oil

A view of the garden.
A view of the garden...


16" x 20" / Oil



16" x 20" / Acrylic

Happy days ahead.
Happy days ahead.


22" x 22" / Acrylic

Windy days, happy Poppies.
Windy days, happy Po...


22" x 22" / Acrylic

Abstraction #23024
Abstraction #23024


24" x 30" / Acrylic



16" x 20" / Acrylic

Golondrinas en la tempestad.
Golondrinas en la te...


24" x 30" / Acrylic

Donde vuelan las Golondrinas #2
Donde vuelan las Gol...


16" x 20" / Acrylic

Peace before the storm.
Peace before the sto...


14" x 18" / Oil

Donde vuelan las Golondrinas.
Donde vuelan las Gol...


24" x 30" / Acrylic

Next to the swamp
Next to the swamp


22" x 22" / Acrylic

In the swamp
In the swamp


22" x 22" / Acrylic



44" x 48" / Acrylic

Viento fuerte, deja ya de soplar!
Viento fuerte, deja ...


48" x 48" / Acrylic



9" x 12" / Oil

Memories of Grandmother's garden.
Memories of Grandmot...


16" x 20" / Oil

In love.
In love.


22" x 22" / Acrylic

In love.
In love.


22" x 22" / Acrylic

(13) Sold Paintings, -- Year: 2023, type: standard

Dancing Poppies in the forest.
Dancing Poppies in t...

Original sold

35" x 36" / Acrylic

Our Lady, second study.
Our Lady, second stu...

Original sold

11" x 14" / Oil

In the forest.
In the forest.

Original sold

16" x 20" / Oil

Dad's wild garden.
Dad's wild garden.

Original sold

16" x 20" / Oil

What a lovely day!
What a lovely day!

Original sold

22" x 26" / Acrylic

In the alley at night
In the alley at nigh...

Original sold

24" x 30" / Acrylic

Commissioned painting
Commissioned paintin...

Original sold

22" x 26" / Acrylic

Waiting for spring.
Waiting for spring.

Original sold

22" x 26" / Acrylic

Commissioned painting
Commissioned paintin...

Original sold

18" x 18" / Acrylic

Commissioned painting
Commissioned paintin...

Original sold

18" x 18" / Acrylic

Commissioned painting
Commissioned paintin...

Original sold

18" x 18" / Acrylic

Commissioned painting
Commissioned paintin...

Original sold

18" x 18" / Acrylic

Morning walk.
Morning walk.

Original sold

22" x 26" / Acrylic

(3) Request info Paintings, -- Year: 2023, type: standard

Our Lady, first study.
Our Lady, first stud...

Request Information

12" x 16" / Oil

Station of the Cross I
Station of the Cross...

Request Information

12" x 17" / Oil

Station of the Cross XIV.
Station of the Cross...

Request Information

12" x 17" / Oil