
(6) Available Paintings, -- Year: 2005, type: standard

Together in the pond.
Together in the pond...


11" x 14" / Oil



11" x 14" / Oil

Zapatos. Shoes.
Zapatos. Shoes.


8" x 10" / Oil

Red scarf and turquoises
Red scarf and turquo...


11" x 14" / Oil

Red velvet, wine and grapes.
Red velvet, wine and...


7" x 8" / Oil

Gate with flowers.
Gate with flowers.


16" x 20" / Oil

(3) Sold Paintings, -- Year: 2005, type: standard

Through the cave
Through the cave

Original sold

11" x 14" / Oil

The sea
The sea

Original sold

9" x 12" / Oil

Two bell peppers
Two bell peppers

Original sold

9" x 12" / Oil

(4) Not available Paintings, -- Year: 2005, type: standard

Fishing Club and coast, Cuchilla Alta. Uruguay
Fishing Club and coa...

Not available

9" x 12" / Oil

Mother, Mirta Buenaventura
Mother, Mirta Buenav...

Not available

9" x 12" / Oil

Violets of the Universe.
Violets of the Unive...

Not available

16" x 20" / Oil


Not available

9" x 12" / Oil