
(9) Available Paintings, -- Year: 2022, type: small

Pond study #1
Pond study #1


9" x 12" / Oil

In the wild garden
In the wild garden


10" x 24" / Oil



11" x 14" / Oil

Carnations by the window
Carnations by the wi...


8" x 8" / Oil

Wild garden
Wild garden


8" x 10" / Acrylic

Before the storm
Before the storm


8" x 10" / Oil

At sunset
At sunset


8" x 10" / Acrylic

Two Roses bouquet
Two Roses bouquet


8" x 8" / Acrylic

Wild garden of Poppies
Wild garden of Poppi...


8" x 10" / Oil

(21) Sold Paintings, -- Year: 2022, type: small

After breakfast, kitten portrait.
After breakfast, kit...

Original sold

8" x 10" / Oil

Portrait of Tortoiseshell cat.
Portrait of Tortoise...

Original sold

8" x 10" / Oil

Strong winds #3
Strong winds #3

Original sold

9" x 12" / Acrylic

Cat Shingo
Cat Shingo

Original sold

11" x 14" / Oil

Trees in north Texas
Trees in north Texas

Original sold

11" x 14" / Oil

Aspen Melody #3
Aspen Melody #3

Original sold

11" x 14" / Oil

The wooded area behind the studio #2
The wooded area behi...

Original sold

11" x 14" / Oil

Aspen Melody #4
Aspen Melody #4

Original sold

11" x 14" / Oil

Summer Poppies
Summer Poppies

Original sold

8" x 10" / Oil

Aspen melody #2
Aspen melody #2

Original sold

11" x 14" / Oil

Wild flowers' garden
Wild flowers' garden

Original sold

8" x 10" / Acrylic

Spring rainy days in the garden
Spring rainy days in...

Original sold

8" x 10" / Acrylic

Poppies in Spring
Poppies in Spring

Original sold

8" x 10" / Acrylic

Spring breeze in the garden
Spring breeze in the...

Original sold

8" x 10" / Acrylic

Poppies swaying in the wind
Poppies swaying in t...

Original sold

8" x 10" / Acrylic

Spring in the garden
Spring in the garden

Original sold

8" x 10" / Acrylic

Poppies in a group
Poppies in a group

Original sold

8" x 10" / Acrylic

Splash of colors
Splash of colors

Original sold

8" x 8" / Acrylic

The Roses on the table
The Roses on the tab...

Original sold

8" x 8" / Acrylic

In the field of Poppies
In the field of Popp...

Original sold

8" x 10" / Oil

Stormy night in the garden
Stormy night in the ...

Original sold

8" x 8" / Oil

(1) Request info Paintings, -- Year: 2022, type: small

Mother Cabrini. (First study).
Mother Cabrini. (Fir...

Request Information

8" x 10" / Oil