
(3) Available Paintings, -- Year: 2004, type: standard

Path between trees #2. From series: Uruguay
Path between trees #...


11" x 14" / Oil

Sunset at Uruguay River. From the series: Uruguay.
Sunset at Uruguay Ri...


16" x 20" / Oil

Cuchilla Alta's coast. From the series: Uruguay.
Cuchilla Alta's coas...


11" x 14" / Oil

(1) Sold Paintings, -- Year: 2004, type: standard

Path between trees. From the series: Uruguay.
Path between trees. ...

Original sold

12" x 16" / Oil

(1) Not available Paintings, -- Year: 2004, type: standard

Snowing in East Texas
Snowing in East Texa...

Not available

11" x 14" / Oil